在這份"Top 100 Tools for Learning 2008"中,有一些排名的升降趨勢是相當有趣的,像是del.icio.us今年打敗Firefox成為專家心中的學習首選,顯見這類書籤網站對於知識傳遞交流的重要性漸趨成熟。Wikipedia從去年的26名提升為12名,這表示出運用集體協作模式產生的百科全書,其公正性與正確性已越來越受到專家們的肯定。twitter也從43名提升為17名,可見它的功能性除了能拿來打屁外,對於拿來當作知識交流的工具也是挺不錯的。word與google docs則發生黃金交叉,前者從10名一路下滑到22名,而後者卻持續提升到11名,顯見未來對於線上可協同編輯的開放模式,其重要性已逐漸超越過去只能單純在Client端編輯的封閉模式。
而該網站除了列出Top 100外,也很貼心的特別標出 25種關鍵的免費工具,因此有興趣的朋友最起碼也應該嘗試看看這25種專家推薦的工具,另外它們還特別將Top 100依用途分類並排出最推薦使用的工具(Learning Toolbox 2008),我個人也比較建議大家運用這分類來檢視自己哪些是比較符合自己需求的工具。
我個人在看到這份名單時是相當興奮的,因為的確有許多不知道的好工具沒有使用過,因此特地推薦給大家做參考,也由於版面關係避免過於龐大,僅刊載Learning Toolbox 2008名單,若對於完整的Top 100有興趣,請至原網站參考,另外,軟體名稱有打(*)號皆為25種專家推薦的工具之一。
Personal Tools | ||
Type | Top Tool | Other Tools |
Web browsers | Internet Explorer Opera Safari | |
Browser extensions | ||
RSS readers | Bloglines Edublogs | |
Players and other readers | iTunes Adobe Reader | |
Email Tools | Outlook Thunderbird Yahoo Mail | |
Personal start pages | Pageflakes Netvibes | |
Social bookmarking | diigo Stumbleupon Furl | |
Social networks | ||
Library catalogue/ book club | - | |
Instant messaging/ voice call tool | - | |
(Re)search Tools | Wikipedia Google Scholar | |
Productivity Tools (online) | Google Calendar* Google Maps Google Alerts Google Notebook Mozy Remember the Milk Zamzar | |
Productivity Tools (desktop) | Google Earth OneNote Filezilla | |
Producer Tools | ||
Type | ||
Document tools and office suites | Word Zoho OpenOffice Excel | |
PDF tools | CutePDF Writer | |
Presentation Tools | Google Docs Keynote | |
Collaborative slideshow tools | - | |
Comic strip tool | Comic Life | - |
Narrated Presentation/ Tutorial tools | Articulate | |
Blogging Tools | Wordpress* | Blogger TypePad |
Microblogging tools | twitter* | - |
Podcasting Tools | Garageband Gcast | |
Live/recorded video tools | - | |
File hosting/ sharing tools | Slideshare* YouTube* flickr* TeacherTube eSnips Scribd | |
Wiki Tools | Wikispaces | PB Wiki* Wetpaint Google Sites MediaWiki Tiddlywiki |
Mindmapping Tools | FreeMind* Bubbl.us | |
Web Authoring Tools | Nvu* | |
Text editors | - | |
Graphics, image, photo and video tools | Adobe Photoshop Paint.NET GIMP Gliffy iMovie | |
Website analysis tools | - | |
Course authoring Tools | eXe* | CourseLab Lectora |
Interactivity / animation | ClassTools SMART interactive whiteboard | |
Polling /Survey tools | ||
Course/Learning Management systems | Blackboard | |
Screen capture tools | Jing* Skitch | |
Screencasting tools | Jing* Camtasia Studio Wink | |
Web Meeting/ Conferencing Tools | Yugma * Elluminate | |
Social networking Tools | Ning* | - |
Content management Systems | - | |
Collaborative project management tools | - | |
Virtual world Tools | - | |
Other tools | ||
Operating systems, platforms, etc | Linux/LAMP |
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